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Summertime Cool Shaves

Hey all! I guess now I have to start thinking about things to say instead of doing my lists. What to do what to do? Well, since its into July now and summer is starting to creep up on us more and more each day, I thought I would talk about ways to stay comfortable during the summer. I’ll list my ways of doing it, but keep in mind, that they are the ways that I’ve found to work with me. Both in terms of my routine, and my products used. There are a WEALTH of wet shaving products out there today, more so than I ever imagined, so you could find your own favorite and run with it. Also, know that menthol is heavily involved in these shaves so if you’re not big on menthol, a lot of what I say will go in one eye and out the other….since you’re reading this and everything. But I think you can still have a pleasantly cool shave without involving menthol, it may not be as intense. So let’s get into a few products and methods to make those hot summer days feel a bit more manageable.


As I said before, menthol plays a key part in my summertime cool shaves. As a whole, I enjoy mentholated products. There’s something about it that smells good and feels refreshing, even in the cold winter months. One of my favorite products is available most everywhere, and that is Proraso Green (or also repackaged as C.O. Bigelow in Bath & Body Works stores that are found in most malls across the United States). Its simple, not overwhelmingly mentholated and has a vintage man smell to it. Its a soap that I recommend to any new wet shaver and anyone who is looking for something different. It pairs well with a host of aftershaves, which can lengthen its stay in your den. Here’s what to look for:

Proraso also has a green pre-shave as well as a green aftershave, so if you were wanting to put together a full set, then you have a great summertime shave right there with those products. And you won’t be out a lot, as the Proraso and Bigelow products tend to run rather inexpensive. Which is nice. In my opinion, the Proraso products are all top notch performers. They have a bit of a different scent that some people don’t care for, but I personally find them to be great.


Moving forward, a new product that has made its way into the den and has proven to be a snowball in a tin, is the Frost Byte Synergy soap from How to Grow a Mustache. HTGAM, for short, has been launching products left and right over the past year. Just one year, wow, seems like so many! They also have a great podcast to listen to, which features many of the big names in the wet shaving world, as well as good information about products. I received three tins of their Synergy soap for Christmas, including the Cavendish, Lavendar Cedar and Frost Byte. The cavendish was the top on my list, but these others were added bonus. I used the Frost Byte for the first time back in January and I thought I felt icicles forming on my face. It was cold! So cold to the point that it made my eyes water a bit. To some, that may be a BIT much menthol. I found it exhilarating! However, I held off a bit before firing it back up haha. The great thing about the Synergy soaps (now in their second iteration, with many more great scents coming out) is their ease of lather. It seems like it only takes about 5 swirls and you’re starting to build. I’m not sure if it has unicorn dust, some sort of mafia secret or what, but its pretty easy to get a good lather out of the HTGAM line. Worth checking out, especially for the frost byte if you’re really wanting to freeze your face.


Another product that goes well on these hot days is the Clubman Jeris Osage Rub. The Rub, as its lovingly known by many, is a green colored aftershave that has the ability to freeze on contact! Well, maybe that’s a bit of an embellishment on my part, but that stuff has a ton of menthol in it! Sent to us by the awesome folks at Clubman, The Rub is a perfect compliment to any summertime shave, whether your soap is mentholated or not. The scent is the standard mintiness of menthol, but with just a hint of barbershop to it. Think Barbicide and you’ll be in the ballpark of this stuff. It won’t overpower your soap and fades quickly enough that you can still use your favorite cologne without any fighting. But just know that once you commit to slapping some on, get ready to chill. I’ve often used it as a bit of a refresher even without a shave. I will say that, even though its great to rub on your face and even your chest, I wouldn’t recommend it going much further south if you catch my drift. That’s the sort of cold chill that you want to avoid! Having said that, if you want a pair of ice cubes, feel free to ignore my warning and chill those marbles!


If you want to go with a classic menthol product, pick up some Aqua Velva Ice Blue. You can find Aqua Velva at most any drug store, Wal Mart, Target, etc. The big box stores with the “cheap” aftershaves! You know you’ve probably seen these on your grandpa’s, dad’s, uncles or even friends sinks. Don’t let their aura of being cheap fool you, because they are actually some really good products. Maybe not up to the level they once were (I blame the switch to plastic containers for some of that) but they are still great for something that is usually available most anywhere. Often times you can even find something similar in the dollar stores that may be a store brand (Dollar Ice, Dollar Spice, etc) but the same formula. The Ice Blue has a clean scent to it, somewhat chemical, but not overpowering. Plenty of menthol though and it will definitely sting you if you put too much pressure on your razor. Another good option I have found is Skin Bracer, although its not QUITE as chilling. Its cooling, and I love the scent, but it won’t freeze you.


Now that we’ve talked about a few products I own, let’s talk about how to achieve this summertime cool shave! What we’ll be doing is a cold water shave. My first step is to prep my beard. Normally I’ll shower and go from there like normal, but sometimes, I’ll wet a rag and press it against my face. I don’t heat up my wash rag in the summertime. Instead, I’ll run a stream of cooler water on it and then press that up against my face. Sometimes there is a Nivea cooling face wash involved as well, which helps set the stage for the cooling effect. From there, use cold water. Or cool if you’re not wanting to go full on cold. It may seem weird at first, but during the summer, you’ll learn to appreciate it. In fact, there are many people who claim that it helps condition their beard for shaving better and provide a better shave. I’ve yet to really notice much of a difference between the two, but I enjoy doing the cold shaves to help cool me off when its 7000 degrees outside. Rinsing off your face with cold water also helps with calming down your face, making it stop screaming after you just trimmed its hair. I have noticed that rinsing off with cool water during my regular shaves helps with any irritation and has become standard for me year long. Its my step just before applying my aftershave. It really is that simple. Cold water and mentholated products. And you can even order menthol crystals to add to any soap you have to make it mentholated. Bam! As I said before, if you’re not much of a menthol fan, just doing a standard cold water shave can still help you cool off and feel great before heading out into the sweltering heat of the summer months.


Have you tried a cold water shave during the summer? If not, let me know how it goes! It is definitely something I would recommend to change up your shaves here and there. Plus, it’ll give you a new routine to consider. So that’s it for today, but I’m already working on a few things. I threw up some new links, so check out the links page. I also am working on a few updates to the den. I’ll get it all cleaned up and presentable to you very soon! Until next time,  stay cool and stay smooth!

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My Top 5 Favorite Aftershaves

Heyoooooo!!!!! Here we are on this EARRRRRLLLLYYYY July morning. Why so early? Well, I’m at work. The concrete business has some early hours when it comes to big projects. We’re pouring a 13,000 square foot parking lot for a new business. So I figured that, while I was here early enough and didn’t have to do a ton of things that I could knock out a blog. With this, my top five favorite series will be wrapped up for now. I may revisit this after using more gear and see where I sit. I know I’ve still got a lot of shaving left to do and plenty of combinations to try out. Plus, with this wave of popularity in the wet shaving world, new products are coming out at a rapid pace. Its not exactly the best for the budget, but, the wealthy of variety allows for great gift ideas. Hint hint!


I have to say this has been a fun series and its helped me get re-acquainted with my shaving gear, to some extent even finding something new that I liked. Be it a soap that finally worked right, a scent I had missed, a blade I wasn’t sold on, or even an aftershave that just wasn’t what I thought it was at first. I will say that, within my shaving gear lineup, everything does get used. I’m in the process of shipping off razors and software that has sat on the shelf longer than its been in the bathroom. I’m getting past that initial RAD (razor acquisition disorder…or disease maybe?) and beginning to narrow things down as I shave more. Granted, there are a LOT of soaps and aftershaves out there that I still want to try. But I’m not in any hurry. I need to use up some things first, then fill their slots with something else.


Aftershaves are something that came around the slowest for me. My Dad never cared for aftershave, in fact, he would usually give them away when he got them in a set for Christmas. Usually my Grandpa was the recipient, who probably has a whole drawer full of aftershaves! I did notice that he had the Aqua Velva Musk sitting out in his bathroom, so I believe that will be added to my den in the very near future. I’m under the mindframe that, if its good enough for my Grandpa, then its good enough for any man! And for those of you who aren’t familiar with me on a personal level, I hold my Grandpa up to the highest regard. He was a hard working man who owned his own business for 50 years, plus did a lot of side work on farms or wherever he was needed. So knowing that he uses certain products has opened up something new to look up to in my Grandpa. Which is pretty awesome.


But, to stay on track, its only been recently that I’ve found a love for aftershaves. Prior to wet shaving, I would use the little Gillette Gel bottles that I would get packaged with the can of Gillette goop in a can. I didn’t even have a bottle of Brut, which I would think now is pretty sacrilegious! It just took me a bit of time to come to my senses I guess. At first, I started out with the Nivea aftershave balm. Not too long after I got started with the wet shaving part of my life, we went to St. Louis and I visited an Art of Shaving store. Art of Shaving is owned by Procter & Gamble and has taken on a bit of a bad name for being overpriced and ran by under-knowledged people. Its a retail store, so their job is to push products on you. However, the St. Louis store turned out to be a good experience and I bought some supplies, including a sandalwood AS balm. From there, I added some of the old staples like Old Spice, Brut, Skin Bracer and Aqua Velva. From there, I was hooked! I never thought that an aftershave could help accentuate a good shave, or help you realize you did some things wrong. Anymore, I’m a fan of the splashes as I very rarely use the balms. They’re more of a cold weather thing anymore it seems. Sometimes I’ll use some witch hazel as well, just for a different alternative, but I’ve come to enjoy the sting of a good aftershave splash.


So, with that long rambling introduction, its time to get down to business. My top five finale! Here are the five aftershaves that I use the most.


#5 Tabac

Here we go again with Tabac! Love it or leave it, Tabac is here to stay and it has a firm spot in my rotation. This is my first pairing between soap and aftershave and is still the only pairing I have at the moment. Why not go old school and classy, right? The aftershave splash version of Tabac seems to be a little less aggressive with that classic scent than the soap. It goes on with a light sting, but it does stay with you for a bit and has a lasting, powdery finish to it. I’ve also found that it goes well with the RazoRock Zi Peppino soap, which to me, is fairly similar to the Tabac soap anyways. Another soap that it pairs well with is the Van der Hagen soap that many use as their first soap. One soap it doesn’t pair with, however, is RazoRock Don Marco. Tooooooooo much going on there! But hey you don’t know til you try, right?


#4 Floid Blue

Ah, Floid. Another classic scent. If you haven’t noticed, the vintage style companies and scents appeal to me. I’m not sure if its because its something that has stood the test of time and is still relevant, or if maybe I lived another life as a suave person from the 30’s and 40’s? Either way, the Floid brand has been around for over 80 years now and the Blue is one of the most sought after items on the market today! In fact, its made in Spain but its popularity stems from the Italian people, where it was formerly made. Its an alcohol based aftershave, but it doesn’t have the typical stinging quality to it that most do. Its more cooling, due to the menthol, yet it feels refreshing at the same time. From what I’ve read, its formula helps tone and regenerate your skin. Whatever it is, I was sold on it from the first splash and I enjoy the fact that it pairs well with just about everything. Floid Blue doesn’t have an overpowering scent, with a short lasting time as well. That may turn off some, but I think it gives your soap and cologne a chance to shine!


#3 Skin Bracer

Another one of those vintage scents that I just love, Skin Bracer has been around since the 30’s. As a child, I remember the commercials featuring the actor Jack Palance and how he said it made him feel like a man. Once I finally became a man and started using these after shave products, I believe I understand what he meant a bit more. Skin Bracer has a bit of a menthol kick to it, similar to the Floid Blue, but the scent has a bit of a barbershop/manliness to it. It’ll sting you good at first, but after that, its cool and comforting and really makes for an awesome post shave experience. It doesn’t linger for a very long time, perhaps a bit longer than the Floid Blue, but it won’t last as long as your Brut or Old Spice. It pairs well with mentholated soaps like Proraso, yet also works out well with a Barbershop scent, a Proraso Red or even Cella. Cella and Skin Bracer was an odd combo at first, but one that I ended up enjoying. This is also one of the “cheap, drugstore” aftershaves that has withstood the test of time and is worth checking out.


#2 Brut Dominant

Ah Brut. The mighty, manly scent! Brut has only been around since the mid 60’s, but it became a staple in many shelves during its time. It was one of the first scents that I fell in love with as a kid. My Dad would always dab a bit on me and tell me that I was a man and that I should pick up a stick to beat the ladies off of me if it got too bad! The wisdom of a father to his young son is always something to remember. I remember somewhere about the time I was 11 or 12, Brut released a scent called Actif Blue. It was in a bright blue bottle and had a bit of the ocean scent to it, with a bit of that manly, Brut muskiness to it. I wore that stuff out, going through several bottles. Fast forward a couple decades and I’ve found yet another bottle of awesomeness from Brut and its the Dominant Locion! THIS STUFF IS PRETTY DAMN AWESOME! I’ll capitalize that because this scent just jumps out and grabs you. I would call it a modern scent, for lack of a better term, but it does have a bit of citrus in there. However, that modern, dapper man scent is very much there and if its something you like, get this aftershave today. It has a great lasting power and pairs well most soaps, although I wasn’t a huge fan of it with my mentholated soaps. Honestly, this could be my number one had I never tried the aftershave I’m about to mention….


#1 Pinaud Clubman

This is the real deal, folks. Its vintage, its manly, its all the things about a barbershop that you’ve heard about. Pinaud has been around since the 1800’s! Coming out of France, the Clubman aftershave hits you with a variety of scents. There’s a bit of citrus, a bit of fresh cut grass, but mostly, that barbershop muskiness is what lingers on the finish. I’m not sure what it was about this scent that appealed to me the most, but it was a love at first drop. Since I’ve began my wet shaving adventure, I’ve found that these classic scents labeled as the barbershop scent, appeal to me in rather large amounts. I envision the classic barbershop setting, where the guys are gathered around talking about the news, having a smoke and enjoying conversation with their buddies. The true man place! And to me, this could be the one aftershave that I have in my lineup that I could use solely and be completely happy. It matches up well with a variety of scents and has a long lasting finish note. You could probably get by wearing it as a cologne if you wanted to, it really does last that long. So, to the Pinaud folks, keep cranking out this Clubman! You’ve got it nailed.


So there you have it. Clubman for the win! There are a lot of cool aftershaves out there and a lot of soap manufacturers are making an aftershave version of their soaps and creams, which will help you keep that scent on you a bit longer. I think its a pretty cool idea if you ask me. I’ve gained a new appreciation for the aftershave within the past few months so I’m excited to explore things a bit more and try out some other pairings and combos. What is your favorite? Let me know and until next time, stay smooth!

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My Favorite Creams/Soaps

The other day, I continued my top five list compilation that I started a couple months back. In a perfect world, you would know my top five favorites from my entire den. But, as it turns out, some things (namely this particular shave blog) get put on the back burner. But, I have not abandoned my plan! And with that in mind, I am trudging along with my next entry in my top five series!


As I’ve stated several times on here, and millions in my every day life, lists are fun. I enjoy lists, both making and reading. That’s probably why BuzzFeed is one of my most visited sites. They list everything on there! Keeping in sequence thus far, we’ve gone from my favorite razors to my favorite blades to go into said razors. Seeing as how I do not have five brushes at the moment, I don’t believe I’ll be doing the brush top list. At least not for a while. I’ve got my 5th brush on the way in when it is ready to be shipped. For now though, my Semogue 1520 is my go to brush and my Parker badger is my #2. That should cover it. But what has taken a good while to narrow down and get lined out, and is an ongoing event, is my list of favorite creams and soaps. I’m horrible about having a flavor of the week. My tastes and preferences go from one scent to another.  But, out of all the tools I have at my disposal, here are my top five favorite soaps and creams!


#5 Tabac

Kicking off our countdown is one of the most argued soaps that I have encountered. “It smells great.” “Wait, no it smells horrible!” “This soap smells like my grandma!” “This soap smells like a man uses it!” These are all things I have seen and heard since I started my wet shaving adventure a little over a year ago. Its a bit spicy but with a very obvious flowery note to it as well. And, honestly, it does remind me of something that I have smelled at my grandparents and great aunts houses during my youth. But there’s also this scent of manliness in it as well that I just love. Not only that, it performs like a champ. Every shave with Tabac produces rich, slick lather for my shave. Its truly a “love it or leave it” soap, as it really seems that you can’t warm up to it. For me it was all go right out of the box. On Tuesdays, you bet that its my go to! Tabac!


#4 RazoRock Don Marco

One of the most popular brands on the market, RazoRock soft, Italian soaps have exploded in popularity within the past 6 months to a year. I had heard about them when I first started, but it seems after their previous run of their elusive XXX came around, its brand stepped it up a notch. Italian Barber and Mr. Joseph Abbatangelo have created quite a frenzy with their products, most recently introducing a custom line for BiG Shave members Ant “Tight Buns” Smith and Michael Freedberg, who have been promoting RazoRock in their shaving videos and on the boards. What an awesome honor huh? I’ve yet to try those products at the moment, but one I have tried and am a huge fan of is the Don Marco. This would be in my top five based on the scent alone. I’m an admitted citrus freak. If it smells like lemon, orange, grapefruit, or lime, then its in my lineup. Add in the fact that this stuff lathers so easily and gives one slick lather, you’ve got a great product! Its still somewhat new to my den, but its been getting a lot of time in the lineup as of late. However, as great as the Don Marco may be, its still not quite good enough to be my #1.


#3 Proraso Red

One of the first products I bought online, Proraso Red was very talked about at the time. It doesn’t seem to get as much talk time with the wave of great products that are coming out, however, that doesn’t diminish its value any to me. Proraso Red has a sandalwood base to it, which is more earthy than some of the sweeter sandalwood options available. That struck the right chord with me. Warm it up a bit and, wow, this stuff really shines! Not to mention the lather it produces. I have yet to be disappointed when using the red version of one of the most revered soaps in all the land. It has the vintage man smell to it that seems to exist in all of the Proraso soaps that I have tried. I don’t know if they went into every vintage barbershop and just canned that air or what, but man, does it smell awesome. Halfway home to #1! What’s up next?


#2 Arko

Apparently, I’ve got a thing for soaps that people smell funny. Arko has been described by many of its detractors as a urinal puck. A friend of mine said the same thing. Shoot, my wife thought it had a funky whang to it. But, I find it pleasant. And it mellows out after it gets a chance to breath. But more importantly, to me, is its performance. Its a tallow based soap and I’ve come to find that those soaps tends to give me the best performance. Generally speaking of course. And, even though Arko may be lacking in that “artisan” design and scent, its still a good smelling soap. To me, I get small hints of citrus, but overall, a clean scent of soap. Another positive for the Arko is its price. You can get it for around $2-$3 in most places and now they even have it in a bowl. Arko also has other scents that are mentholated, but this original scent does the job for me. It takes essential oils well, too. I’ve often dropped a couple drops of my favorite scents in it for something new. But, as much as I love Arko, its not my #1. So, what scent is?


#1 Taylor of Old Bond Street Jermyn Street

Taylor of Old Bond Street has been around since 1854, so to say that they have a handle on shaving cream is a severe understatement. One of the institutions in the shaving world, Taylor of Old Bond Street (or TOBS, as it is commonly referred to) has yet to disappoint me with any of its offerings. I’ve tried about 6 or 7 and own four bowls of their soaps. Each has impressed me in a different way. However, when I tried Jermyn Street line, it seemed to go a bit above and beyond its brothers I had used before. It was designed for sensitive skin, which I have to a small extent. Its scent was a very clean, yet subtly citrus with a hint of that TOBS old school masculinity to it. At that time, it was my go to soap and still yet, it gets thrown in amongst all the new goodies that I get. Will it remain my number one soap? Odds are it won’t with the way that I like to sample and have my little swings of a certain scent. But, it will forever be one of the game changers in my wet shaving adventure. And ToBS will be that brand I will always hold to a higher level than many of the others and use it to gauge their performance. Its the bar and let me tell you, with this, the bar is set plenty high.


Some honorable mentions would be Cella, based upon the scent, also DR Harris Marlborough, Trumper’s Spanish Leather and How to Grow a Mustache’s Synergy line (of which I own 3 and think they are all awesome) are right up there and would all be tied for #6 on this list! How about you? What’s your favorite? Have you received any soaps or creams lately that may be the game changer for you? Hit me up and keep a discussion going! But, as always, stay smooth!

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Top 5! Here We Go!

I figured its been a while since I did my last entry. Again, that’s my fault. We had a lot of family events going on, plus, the wife and I celebrated our one year anniversary back in May. On top of that, work has picked up here in the concrete world. When it gets hot out, we start early. Some mornings have us coming in around 4:30, sometimes sooner, and working til about 5 in the evening. Its hard work sometimes, but we have a good crew and a dedicated customer base who is steadily expanding the area.


But, I don’t believe someone comes to a site called Semo Shaving just to hear about work, do they? No you don’t! So let’s get down to the business at hand and that is shaving! So far, I’ve told you my favorite budget items that are in my rotation. I’ve also discussed my favorite razors. The next logical item would be the blades. Gotta have a blade to go in those awesome razors, right? At this stage in my wet shaving adventure, I’ve used a couple different sampler packs from online retailers. My first sampler included your standard run of blades, such as Derby, Astra, Feather, Crystal, and Personna. With other orders, I would throw in a 5 pack of blades and sampled Gillette Silver Blues, Gillette 7 O’Clock (black thus far), Polsilver, Personna Med Prep, Personna Lab Blue, and Shark. Most recently, I sampled a “From Russia With Love” pack from the fine folks at Italian Barber which included blades such as Rapira, Voskhod, and Ladas. There are still some blades out there that are on my list to try. But from what I have sampled thus far, I’ll give you my TOP FIVE FAVORITE BLADES! (cue the intro music)


Ok so no music, but here we go!


#5 Astra SP

These were the first blades that I tried from my first sampler pack. Granted, the only blades I used to that point were Walgreens brand DE blades. They were ok, but these Astra blades felt great! I experienced no issues and got my first DFS without any cuts, nicks or weepers. It truly was a love at first site shave. I still use these regularly in my rotation as well. The only time they disagreed with me was when I put one in my R-41. Even then it wasn’t horrible, but it surely wasn’t enjoyable either. My favorite setup with the Astra is definitely in my Red Tip. That razor seems to be the most receptive to this blade of the razors I have in my lineup, with its brother, the Flair Tip, right behind.


#4 Voskhod

These guys came about more recently, first through a sale on one of the Facebook shaving groups I am a part of. Then, in the aforementioned From Russia With Love pack I purchased a few months back. The Voskhod blade had long been on my list, as many people had been touting it as a smooth blade. Of course, in this world, curiosity can get the best of you. With blades being rather inexpensive, I figured why not scratch this itch. After I got these blades, I began seeing how some folks had issues with only getting a couple good shaves from them. I was a bit concerned, as it seemed the script was flipped, but I decided to stick one in and go. It wasn’t love at first site, but I got an irritation free shave. The next day, same scenario. I was able to get about 5 irritation free shaves from my first Voskhod that I used. So far, I’ve been able to continue that sort of momentum, which has helped land these guys high up on my blade priority list. At the moment, my favorite combination with the Voskhod blade would be in my Super Adjustable. Those two are like Forrest and Jenny.


#3 Gillette 7 O’Clock (black)

Commonly referred to as the Ninja blades, these guys took a bit of warming up before it clicked. My first shave, I slapped one in my R-41 and proceeded to massacre my face. Not a good first impression. But I figured that maybe it was the same scenario as the Astra/R41 experiment, so I didn’t give up. Up next, they went into the Red Tip and it was a shave full of irritation and weepers. I thought maybe it was driver error, but maybe the blade was bad. Red Tip, new blade, same result. Come on blade, work for me here! I was about to give up and in fact had started adding these blades in some trades and sales that I had made. I thought I was out, but realized I had a few left and thought that I would use them up and be done with them. Then it happened. I put one in my recently acquired Merkur 37C Slant and boom. A wonderfully smooth shave! Maybe I just had a good soap that day? I don’t even recall what I used. But I knew that combo worked. I tried it the next day to the same results. I decided to shave an entire week with just that, and I got a week’s worth of good shaves! The slant has become a favorite in my razor lineup (#4 in my top 5, if you read my previous entry) and it was largely in part to this blade. It may seem foolish to list something that seems like a one trick pony to some, but I tell you what, it sure does an amazing trick.


#2 Feather Hi-Stainless

Talk about a blade with a reputation! Known around many circles as the sharpest blade, this has made many a new wet shaver fearful of the consequences of carelessness. You better believe that you can include me in that list, too! As soon as I started wet shaving and joined a few groups, I immediately noticed how people regarded this particular blade. It was loved by many and feared by most. In my early stages, I avoided using them like the plague. I never felt like lopping off a nostril during my shaving adventures. Finally, I got the courage to try one and it was nothing but amazing. I didn’t cut anything off, no crazy scars that I would be telling stories for the rest of my life. In all honesty, it was your boring, DFS shave. But at the same time, it was exciting because I felt I had conquered the beast! The Feather blades have become a very versatile blade for me. Occasionally, I will find one that has a rough edge to it, so I’ll run it over a cork to help reduce that. However, random rough blade aside, they seem to fit in every razor so far, with the favorites being the R-41 and my Fatboy. Not sure why, but that Fatboy really took off when I slapped a Feather in it. Either way, these guys are a regular in the rotation. But they’re not number one.


Who do you think is my number one?


#1 Gillette Silver Blues

These are, without a doubt, my absolute favorite blades. They’re sharp, smooth and have literally worked great in every razor. I’ve got enough of them now that they have made their rounds in each razor I have. So, why the Silver Blue blades? Fate, I suppose. I don’t have any amazing story about them either. I didn’t find them in a treasure chest, my Grandfather didn’t use them (he used the Gillette Thin blades), nobody famous has endorsed them. All I can remember is one day I used one and haven’t looked back. They have been far more consistent as far as their smoothness than the Feather blades, which is why I bumped the Feather’s back to #2. I’ve never had a bad shave with one in any razor, with any soap or cream combination in my den. One day of growth or five days of growth, they get mowed down. Blades will come and go from my den, but these will be my go to blade for the foreseeable future. They have traveled with me, have a spot in the bathroom, and are right on the edge of the rack where my shaving goodies go. If there’s ever a day that these may be discontinued, you better believe I’m buying a million of them!!


Well, there you have it! I’m curious to know what your top blades are, so feel free to get conversation started. Are there any blades in your top 5 that you feel I should try? I know there are some blades that I’ve yet to try altogether that hopefully one day will come around. Until next time, stay smooth!

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Another Top 5 Post!

Before I get started with my shaving babble, I first want to say HAPPY STAR WARS DAY! May the Fourth be with you.

I’m a nerd, but you know what? I’ve come to accept it. I tried to be a jock in high school, in fact I was a multi-sport athlete, but after games I didn’t go out to the parties to celebrate. I would ride around with my buddies and do our best attempt to chase girls, but most of the time, I was happy coming home to a video game and gallons of Mt. Dew and stay up for hours on end. Now, I’m a shave nerd! And with that, let’s get to some shave talk! I had a “budget shave” today. And by that, everything was on the lower end of the price spectrum. I used a puck of Williams Shave Soap, my Gillette Tech (a $5 investment) a Crystal blade, my TBS Custom brush and some Dollar General Old Spice. If you read my last post, you saw my top 5 favorite “Store Brand” products. Stores such as Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Target, CVS and many more can provide you with a great shave. Except for maybe the razor. Some stores have those DE razors that Rick from Pawn Stars is advertising, and a few Sally Beauty Supply stores have cheap DE’s as well. So its possible to get the full thing from those stores, but often you have to go to other shaving websites to get the razors.


That has brought me to our topic for today. Razors. At the moment, I believe I’m up to around 17 razors, give or take a number or five. Why so many? Heck I wish I could give you an honest answer! I call it my working collection and adding to it is kind of a hunt for me, as I truly enjoy going out to flea markets and antique stores in search of razors. But out of these razors, I find myself going back to several fairly regularly and some on the shelf as “specialty razors” that I look at like bullpen pitchers. The lefty specialist, the ground ball pitcher, the closer, etc. I’ve got a razor that I like to use with more than 4 days of growth, a razor I like to use after shaving the day before, and so on. My repurposed pipe rack tends to hold my top razors. There’s 6 slots, but today, yeah, we’re only talking five. Who are my top five? Here we go!


#5 Gillette Ball End Tech

The first entry is the little Ball End Tech by Gillette. These were the first solid bar razors released by Gillette and were released from 1939 to the last 70’s I do believe. Maybe early 80’s. It is a VERY mild razor, in fact there are times that I wonder if it is even removing any hair at all until I rinse it off and see stubble in the sink. However, this is my go to razor when shaving on consecutive days. I prefer to load it up with one of my sharper blades, something like a Feather works great for me, and let it do its job. It is compact and very easy to maneuver and I am able to avoid getting some irritation with it on a consecutive day shave. I don’t shave in consecutive days very often, but when I do, this is the razor that lets me get that one day growth knocked down with ease.


#4 Merkur 37C Slant

Ah, the mighty slant. One of the most talked about razors (or debated?) around. Some say its one of the most aggressive razors, while some people call its slant a gimmick. I received this as a birthday gift this past year, so it is fairly new, but it has been used quite extensively during that time. Why do I rank it so high after such a short time? Efficiency. While I don’t find this razor to be the aggressive monster that many folks may claim it to be, I do find it to be extremely efficient. I notice that the twisted bar design allows for a smoother cut per stroke. And again, note that this is all YMMV talk. I’ve yet to experience the chin line irritation that some folks mention, so maybe I’ve just been fortunate this far, or I’ve taken a different approach. Either way, this razor has impressed me and cracked my top five rather quickly. Its worked best with either a Voskhod or Gillette Silver Blue so far, although I’ve not tested it with a wide variety of blades. I think this razor is worth the shot, so if you like it, let me know!


#3 Muhle R41

Yet another of the most highly debated razors that I’ve seen, the “blade on a stick”, the beast, the beard basher, and so forth.. It goes by many, MANY names. My wife got me the 2013 version of the Grande (although I believe that I have uploaded a 2011 version picture) for our wedding. I, like many, was a bit hesitant using it. And it was a bit rough on the first go. I’ve cut my nostril twice with it, but it was out of carelessness on my part. But with all the joking, the jabbing, the hype and everything else that goes along with the R41, I’ve found it to be a very efficient razor. Is it aggressive? You betcha! And yes, it WILL bite you if you’re careless. But then again, any razor can do just that. I’ve found this to be my favorite razor with more than three days of growth. It really mows down the thicker beard growth like it wasn’t even there. It does like some of the sharper blades that I have. I have found out that it HATES an Astra (at least mine does, your may be more cooperative) as I got my worst shave with it while using an Astra. But the Gillette Blues, Feathers and the like. Its not an every day razor for me, but I know that if I am too busy to shave for a few days and need to clean up, this guy has it locked down for me.


#2 Gillette Red Tip

The Red Tip. How classic is that? THIS is what I think of when I think of a safety razor. It has the classic lines and look to it. It was one I was attracted to immediately when my wet shaving journey began. They only ran the red tips for about 5 years, from 55-60 and they were the big brothers to the super speeds of that era. They were a bit heavier, and to me, that makes a noticeable difference both in terms of its aggressiveness and its ease of use. I received this last year from my wife (she’s quite the enabler!) and put it to work immediately. Its in my rack and is one of my daily use razors. I’ve found that I prefer the heavier razors as they are effortless in the fact that I hold it and they do the work. This razor also likes to work with any blade that I throw in it, so well that it made a Derby blade work like a champ! I believe this was the first razor that I had a visual attraction to and its shaving efficiency makes it one of my favorites. But, it isn’t my top! Let’s see what claims my numero uno spot!


#1 Gillette Black Handle SuperSpeed

The Black Handle Super Speed! Just take a look at that thing! I’ve always been a sucker for the black/silver scheme of things. The main reason that I am a big fan of this razor, however, is that it was my birth year razor! Thankfully, these razors were still being made in 1983 and I was just fortunate enough to come across one from the first quarter of 1983, making it even closer to being the true birth razor for myself. Is it the best razor as far as shaving that I have in my lineup? No. The super speeds are great little razors, albeit light (save for that sexy red tip up there). They are on the milder side of things, and these black handles seem to be a little more mild. Maybe at this point, Gillette knew that they were about to be phased out in favor of the carts. That all means nothing to me in the grand scheme of things, however. Finding a birth year/birth quarter razor is a bit of a goal for many in our shaving community. To know that I was able to find one with the help of my wife (I really think she’s my inspiration in this now that I think about it) was even better. I don’t use it daily, but every time I do use it, its a special shave for me. One thing I do enjoy about the super speed razors is that they work well with any blade in them. The sharper the better most often is the case, but I like knowing that whatever gets put in it will work for me.


So there you have it, another one of my top five lists of awesomeness! What are your favorite razors? I would LOVE to hear! As I’ve said before, I am a sucker for lists. I guess its the High Fidelity (great movie, check it out) effect or something. What will I list next? Keep checking back to find out! We’ve still got a lot to cover, including blades, soaps/creams, aftershaves, and more! I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. Stay smooth!


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Top 5 Lists For Everything!

It seems that people are starting to do their top lists of favorite products in the shaving world. Christopher David Bailey got the ball rolling amongst all of us and has been doing many great reviews of shaving gear over the past few weeks. My personal favorite has to be Michael Paul Bustamante, better known as Busta! This guy is an absolute riot! Wanna see? Just check this out!



Seriously, Busta, THIS is awesome. And this is what has inspired myself to look through my den and blog about it. I may add video to it in time as I figure its time to update the shave den video anyways. But it got me to thinking about the products I use, why I use them and even how they got there. Plus, I enjoy lists. I like listing things for no real reason. Songs, TV shows, foods, they’re all worthy of being in a list for whatever reason. For today, my first top 5, I’m going to go a bit of a different route. And to an extent, this isn’t anything new. The Art of Manliness has discussed some of these once before in a blog, but I thought I would throw in my personal thoughts on it and why I’m ranking them the way that I am.


Today’s entry will be the Top 5 Wal-Mart/Pharmacy Products. As a young child, these were plentiful in my Dad’s cabinet. I remember at Christmas, my Dad would always get a cologne sampler pack from an Aunt or cousin and it would contain four or five small, plastic bottles of varying scents. Things like English Leather, Musk, the pharmacy standards. They were in bottles like this


Do those look familiar? I remember one year I wanted this sampler because, like any young kid, I looked up to my Dad like he was Superman. I still do! Although I just can’t get him back into wet shaving. But I digress. These memories and scents have lasted with me for YEARS. Colognes have often been a gift amongst our family and now that I’ve started this shaving adventure, shaving gear has moved up the list. However, with all the AMAZING products that are out there to buy from all over the world, I still go down the shaving aisle in every store, whether its Wal-Mart, KMart, Target, Walgreens or even Dollar General. You can find some really good products that people call the “cheap stuff” or the “bland stuff” or any other adjective that seems to be putting down the product. Sure, there may be “better” options out there to some, but these products work just fine and are easily accessible to those of us here in the U.S. and now here is my Top 5 Favorite Wal-Mart Products!


#5 – Van der Hagen Deluxe Shave Soap

This is my #5, simply because of the fact that this was my first soap and was my introduction into the world of wet shaving. And let me tell you, what a journey it has become. But, the VDH soap still remains in my den. And it is still being used! It has a mild, soapy scent. But, for a soap that is just a couple bucks, it performs like a champ! In fact, there’s a good chance you may see this guy pop up on multiple lists as I get list crazy. I’ve heard many people say that they cannot get a good lather from this, that it is too thin, but from my first go of it up until today, I’ve not had any problems. Sure, there are better soaps and creams, we all know that, but for the price, and how easy it is for us to find here in the States, this one will get my vote! Hello #5!


#4 CVS Single Edge Blades


I’ve only recently acquired a SE razor to throw into my rotation, but I must say that for what these are and the fact they’re readily available at our local CVS, they’ve climbed up fast in a hurry. They seemed to be priced right for what I needed and its something that, while not being used in my daily rotation, I can go to easily without having to place a special order and wait. I was impressed with my shaves from the SE, which I had figured would be a one and done. But they do hold a place in my den. And for that, this is why I place them at #4. Ease of use, they hold up as well as to be expected (a couple shaves before they started getting a bit of rust) and are readily available.


#3 Old Spice


To me, there aren’t many more classic scents in the world that bring back such memories than Old Spice. I remember these bottles as a kid, granted they were glass then, being lined up in my Dad’s shelf. Every so often, when it was just the two of us on a day that Mom had early work or school, Dad would slick my hair over and splash a bit of Old Spice on me so I could smell good and have all the girls chasing after me. Yeah that never happened, but it did make me feel like I was more of a man than the other guys around me. I was king awesome amongst a sea of little boys. Talk about one tough 5 year old! When I started wet shaving, one of the first aftershaves I picked up was indeed the Old Spice and it immediately took me back to my younger years. Its not as spicy as I remember, but its still a great throwback scent for me to use.


#2 Brut

This was the first scent I remember falling in love with as a kid. Old Spice was cool, but that was what Dad used. This, this scent was MINE!! And buddy let me tell you, I wore it out! I even remember an elementary teacher of mine sending home a letter to my parents asking me to tone it down a bit! I remember when they came out with the Brut Active Blue and of course I wanted that too! In fact, I’d love to have that again. But this is all about the original Brut. I’ve had bottles of this off and on throughout the years and it still never fails me. It has that nostalgic feel that Old Spice does as well, where it takes me back to my younger days just by shaking some out and smelling it. Honestly, had it not been for my wet shaving transition, it would be my number one. Butttt….


#1 Pinaud Clubman


This stuff came at me like a ton of bricks. Clubman you say? What is this Clubman you speak of? That was what I thought when I first started wet shaving. Of course, with how everything else has been throughout my wet shaving experience, curiosity won. Variety is the spice of life in my opinion, and this spicy little scent is pretty daggum awesome. I had very limited experience with the classic barbershop smell as I had not been to a vintage barbershop since I was a young child. But this, as has been the theme in this blog, took me back to those days of sitting in a barbershop with my Dad or Grandpa. The barbershop was across the street from the billiard center that my grandpa used to own, so there were many days that I would be going there while my parents were at work/class/etc. And there were many days that Dad, Pa (my name for my Grandpa) and I got to spend together on our Man Days. The barbershop across the street had two chairs in it and then it had a couch and three waiting seats where the older guys would drink coffee, smoke cigars and talk about the events in the world. I’m not sure whether he used Clubman, although the more I think about it anymore, the more I’m inclined to think he did. But this scent takes me back to that big barber chair and Harold looking at me and my family saying “how handsome can we make him today?” while I just had the world’s biggest smile on my face. I still get that and in fact, Clubman has been dubbed as my go to aftershave. If I don’t have a theme for my shave, or am in a hurry, its Clubman. Going out on a date, just running to the store, even going to work, its Clubman. I dub thee numero uno!


So there you have it. My first of many top 5 lists! Feel free to comment, email, or send a carrier pigeon with an attached note. Coming up in my next top five sheet, I’ll hit my top five favorite blades! This will be a tough one! But hey, its all fun and games. Also before I leave, I wanted to post a GREAT tutorial video by the Lather Master Michael Freedberg. Michael has been making videos for a while and this is a great video for some of you who have been asking me about how to get a better lather. I myself watch Michael’s videos on a regular basis.


So, a shoutout to Michael Freedberg for your lathering knowledge! Stay smooth everybody!

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Shaving App

This is something that, for those who are app savvy and live on their cellphones, can help line up your shaves and get you down to the metrics. Its called Shaving Buddy and, at the moment, is available on Android only. A member over on the Reddit Wicked Edge group is heading it up. I don’t have a lot of experience with the Wicked Edge group. In fact, Reddit has confused me at times haha. But I do believe I am going to check it out more now that this app is in development. Maybe I can be helpful to some extent, even if it is only with feedback and promotion.

If you want to download the app, hit up your app store and search Shaving Buddy. Or you can click here to download it! It is a free to check out app, then you can pay to upgrade. The free version allows for 5 products per category, with your categories being razor, blades, brushes, soaps/creams, after shaves and additional products. I’ve heard he is adding for pre-shaves and other variants for your SOTD. It also has places for your input, so you know how your combinations worked or didn’t work. If you have a large quantity of shaving goods, then this can allow you to be specific about what gets the most and least amount of love in your rotation. I thought this would be great for someone who went on a huge buying spree, but then decided to scale back a bit.

In my eyes, it may be in its infancy, but it is still worth the download. If we can spend hours playing Flappy Bird and Candy Crush, or watching YouTube videos of people falling, then surely this app will find a home with any techie shaver. Check it out and stay smooth!

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Wet Shaving Without Breaking Your Bank

If you are reading this, then you are a wet shaver. Or someone who has shown interest in wet shaving. Wet shaving is making a huge comeback and if you were to search wet shaving, old fashioned shaving, or other terms relating to shaving, you will find more and more articles and even YouTube videos showing you how to get into it and how to do it. Thanks to folks like Mantic 59 , Lynn Abrams and Stephen Faragher, the revival of wet shaving is gaining more and more ground. If you check out my links page then you can find several places in which to purchase your first wet shaving kit. But with all the options and prices, you may be wondering how you can truly save money in comparison to using the multi-blade cartridge razors. After all, isn’t that one of the reasons that ignited your passion into wet shaving? It may seem overwhelming, but trust me, you can spend less than $100 and be set for quite some time. With a conversation with good friend Greg Mehochko from yesterday still on my brain, I decided to give it all a view. Let’s dive in.


For my pricing, I am going to be speaking in terms of American dollars and will be drawing prices from various stores, like West Coast Shaving, Shavenation, Straight Razor Designs, Wal-Mart and Amazon. I will also give you direct links, if you wanted to begin purchasing your first kit. If you have taken a look up at my Shave Den link (its right up there, c’mon, give it a click!) then you will see that my den has grown to a rather large size. I like to try a variety of tools and have a large amount of options to fit my various moods and occasions. You do NOT have to go to a level like this. You can get by perfectly with one razor, one big box of blades, one soap or cream, one brush and one after shave. There are many minimalists out there who will only use one product at a time. Acquisition disorders will happen, that’s what made my den grow, but if you are able to restrain yourself then you will save money.


First, let’s look at the prices of the standard gear that goes along with the multi-blade cartridges. You can get a Gillette Fusion Razor for, roughly, $8. Then, a 4 (yes, four) pack of blade cartridges are around $17. You can get the Edge Pro-Gel gel canisters for around $4, but you can always save some money and go with a cheaper foam, like Barbasol, for around $2. Aftershaves can also run you around $45 or $5, but if you choose, you can use the same after shave wet shaving. Now, the kicker with the blades in this scenario is, they claim to last 5 weeks. If you push it, then yes you can make one last. The quality of the shave will definitely not be as good, but you can keep using it for many weeks. I have my last cartridge razor with the same cartridge on it from its last shave and its rough. But its just as rough as it was as it was after a few weeks. My honest opinion puts the cartridges fading in quality at about 2 weeks, shaving every 2 days. That’s not very long. So you would be buying new blades every other month, spending nearly $200 a year in your blades alone! You can figure on getting about 40-50 shaves from the can of gel, so that will put you only purchasing, roughly, two cans of that per year. If you shave daily, then you may be purchasing three to four cans. Aftershaves will last you a VERY long time, so you could probably get by with one every year or more. In one year, you’re looking to  spend around $250 on multi-blade shaving.


Now, let’s look at the wet shaving options. You can get a Van Der Hagen shaving soap kit for around $9 at the drug store or Wal-Mart. This includes a boar brush, a small bowl and a small puck of soap. I would say that you could get at least 25-30 shaves from it and possibly more. The puck is about two and a half ounces and around 3 inches in diameter. If you choose to go this route, for under $10, you already have a soap and a brush. The replacement pucks go for about $2 and you can pick them up at the same store you got your kit from. Another option is from your local Bed, Bath and Beyond. C.O. Bigelow rebrands the classic Proraso Green scent and sells tubes through BB&B at $10 for the full size and $5 for the travel size. The full size tube is around 6 ounces and I would estimate that you can easily get 125 shaves from that.  A package of blades that I would recommend are Astra, and you can get 100 of them for around $18. The razor can be your biggest purchase, but they are constructed out of metal and considerably more durable. I’ve even seen where someone dropped a razor and it made an indention in the sink or the bathroom floor. You can get a lower priced razor, a Weishi, for around $18. You may also be able to find a great deal in a local antique store on a vintage Gillette, for less than $20. My first was a 60’s model Gillette and I got it for around $18. However, if you want to go new, you can get an Edwin Jagger DE89 for around $40, or a Merkur 33C, for just over $30. Aftershaves are open to your standards you’ve seen since you were a child. Old Spice, Brut, Skin Bracer and so on. You can get these for around $5 or $6. If you don’t go the Van der Hagen route, a Semogue boar brush is a great option to consider. I use a Semogue 1520 and they run around $17. If we got a tube of C.O. Bigelow, a Semogue 1520 brush, the Astra blades, a DE89 razor and some Brut aftershave, we are looking at around $80. That does seem like a large amount up front. However, this kit will last you more than a year of shaving, saving you over $100 in the process!!


I know that you can sit back and say that, since I favor wet shaving, that my views are unfair. But, before I started wet shaving, I was buying the cartridges, using the canned goo and just going with what the mass market provided for me at my local drug stores and big box chains. I was just like you until one day that all changed. Granted, I’ve not exactly kept it to a low budget, but if you are more economically driven with your shaving budget, then you can easily be putting money back into your pocket! Shave and save all at the same time! Give it a shot and remember, stay smooth!

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Random News With a Review

Well, to say the least, its been a while. Looking back, I took a bit of a break due to work picking up over the summer. There were mornings that started sometimes around 3 and the days didn’t end until around 5:30 p.m. That, along with a second job, really cut down on my time to blog, let alone actually shave! There were times in which I would shave once a week. I’m not a fan of that so much anymore. These days, I prefer shaving every two days. I’ve learned that if I shave in back to back days, that I tend to get more irritation even if I forgo the third, against the grain pass. For the most part, I’ve began skipping that part of my shave every time now. Currently, I will do one with the grain pass, then two against the grain passes. My first WTG pass will go from my nose to my ear and the second in the opposite direction. Does it get down to baby butt smooth without any issue? Not necessarily. But, it leaves me feeling damn smooth and no irritation, which is all I’m after. I learned that chasing the elusive bbs shave was more trouble than it was worth.  Not that it can’t be done, but I can stand a bit of stubble. Plus, it grows back a bit quicker and I can shave sooner. Win win, right?


Since I last updated, I’ve added several goodies to my shaving den. My work antique connection scored me a 40’s style Super Speed and a Fat Handle Gillette Tech that I added to my rotation. I also got an awesome Gillette Red Tip that has been put into immediate rotation. That thing is a cutting beast. It has some heft to it and just glides through my beard. I believe it has become my #2 razor. My go to still remains my 83 Gillette. I’m partial to it, because it is my birth year razor, but from the time I fired it up it has provided nothing but great shaves. It is also part of my setup when I test out new soaps and creams. I’ll get to that in a bit. Along with the new razor, I have added several new soaps and aftershaves. I put Florida Water into my aftershave lineup. That stuff has a very distinct smell and I truly believe it is a love it or hate it scent. I, personally, love it. It has a hint of citrus with a barbershop smell. I can see old retirees in Florida wearing it….no disrespect to any Floridian retirees reading this! I also added Brut to my lineup, just because, well, Brut! Its classic! It was my first experience with aftershave as a young kid. My Dad would splash it on my face after he and my mother combed my hair and got me ready to go to school. I still think I was the best smelling first grader in Mrs. Thurston’s class. I do want to get my hands on some English Leather, because that was popular around the house when I was young as well. There were always cologne packs for Christmas and I distinctly remember the little, plastic bottles of English Leather piquing my curiosity. As far as soaps and creams, I’ve stocked up on them rather well since the last time we spoke. I added a puck of Williams Mug Soap that you can find dirt cheap at most pharmacies. I then hit the jackpot for Christmas this year! My family has started to understand my love of shaving more and more, so they hooked me up. I got some new shaving mugs, extra blades and the aforementioned Red Tip, but soaps, goodness, I got hooked up! I received Mama Bears, How To Grow a Moustache, and Mike’s Natural Soaps this year. Talk about a surprised shaver! Mike’s has always been on my list to try as I had heard nothing but great reviews. Mama Bears had intrigued me, but the one that I was looking forward to the most was the How To Grow a Moustache. These guys have burst onto the scene in a BIG way over the past year and they are busting it to get the good word out about wet shaving. With soaps, aftershaves and now even a DE razor, HTGAM have huge momentum going for them. Which leads me to my review of their Cavendish scent!

As I previous mentioned, I like to test drive new soaps with a similar setup. There’s nothing special about it, but it always gives me consistent shaves. I load up a Feather blade in my 83 Gillette and lather with my Semogue 1520. The 1520 is my go to brush and I will keep one with me as long as I am shaving. That is how much I love that brush. Until something else comes along that blows me away like it has, I will always go to it as my main brush. Face, bowl, hand, it does it all and the price is even better. Getting back to the soap, the Cavendish scent has been one that I have been longing to try as I am a fan of pipe tobacco. It has one of those smells that says vintage man. Upon first sniff, I knew this soap had nailed it. Now, my nose isn’t very well trained. Several years of bad sinus bouts has undoubtedly hurt my olfactory glands, so what I smell may not be accurate. Then again, I’m smelling for me haha. Cavendish, if you are unfamiliar, has a sweet smell up front. Down the road, you get this wonderfully fragrant tobacco scent. However, beyond scent, this soap is a performer! Our water isn’t very hard, but its not soft either. Its in the middle for soap performance. It took about 15-20 seconds of swirling and I had some great lather. HTGAM uses kokum butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, palm oil and other vegan and organic options. Its a very well thought out product. Back to the shave, after getting the suds swirling on my Semogue, I took it directly to my face to give the soap its test. It seemed like within seconds of touching my face, lather was exploding everywhere. It was on par with the performance of Arko. I built my first layer of lather, then added a bit of water to see how it took from there. It only got better. The lather continued to build, this time developing the slick layer of lather that was about ready to shave. One more little dabble of water, a few more good brush swipes and it was time. This stuff does not disappoint. Its one of the soaps that you can put on your face and not even feel the shave happening. I had enough in my brush for three passes and probably washed out a touch up pass. On my 5 blade scale, this soap gets all 5 blades! Wonderful, multiple note scent that, while not overpowering, will stick with you for a good while during your day. Slickness that is top of the line, providing a thick layer of protection which did not dry out on my face. And, no lingering issues past the shave. If you are looking for a new scent, or a new company to try, give these guys a shot. Their website is dedicated to wet shaving, they have informative and fun podcasts if you enjoy listening, and they are creating a wonderful line of products. At the moment, I have three soaps and I believe I will be adding after shaves in the future.

Well, we got a bit wordy there, but I figure that, seeing as how I haven’t been on in several months, it was bound to happen. With the new year in full swing, my goal is to do better about keeping things updated to spread the love of wet shaving. I’ll have more reviews for you and I will post my Shave of the Day setups more frequently to show everyone what I am working with. As always, if I use a product, ask as many questions as you can think! I love talking shop with shavers and even potential wet shavers! And as always, stay smooth!

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Back At It – How Do You Lather?

Hey ladies and gents! Sorry about having such a long break there between posts. I would like to blame it on being “busy” but, we blame so many things on being busy. Sometimes, I believe that we use being “busy” as an excuse so that we don’t really tell people the truth. It must sound better than saying we didn’t want to do something because we’re lazy, because we didn’t want to put on real pants, or because we simply don’t give a damn. But most of us, that’s usually how it goes. I’ve started a new workout routine and I’ve been doing that after work. Not as often as I should be, but I haven’t abandoned it altogether, so that’s automatically better than my other failed attempts. The diet is still coming around though. It’s going to be the hardest part. I’ve done fairly well for the most part. More good days than bad. With the workout, I don’t have much time in the evenings to do much since I wake up fairly early during the week. Along with that, since its summer we get started early to beat the heat. There are days I’m in here around 5 A.M. and am here til 4:30 or later. There’s not much time in there. But you know what, enough excuses. Let’s get down to what this website is all about: SHAVING!

Last night, I had an AMAZING shave with a fairly new setup. I pulled out my Gillette Adjustable that I got in West Monroe, Louisiana, on our honeymoon. I’ve only used it a handful of times and I’m still getting the hang of it. Compared to your standard superspeeds, the head is a bit heavier. Quite a bit actually. It’s got plenty of heft to go slicing through. Then there is the adjustable aspect, which is the first in my collection. I’d been eying a few adjustables back in May. The Merkur Futur and Merkur Progress were the two highest on my list, but I didn’t know if I wanted to pay a higher price for one. I’m not big on borrowing either. Nothing against that, as I know a LOT of people who loan things out in our community and I think its awesome. But I guess I just like to have my own stuff. Being a fan of the black handled Gillette’s, these Black Beauty Adjustables were definitely an option for me. As luck would have it, I found one at an awesome area called Antique Alley in West Monroe. By the way, if you get a chance, I would recommend visiting that area sometime. Many people know it as the home of Duck Commander and the Robertson Family, stars of Duck Dynasty. Which we did visit and had a chance to see where all the magic happens. But the town is great and the place we stayed, the Hamilton House Inn made the trip. Tonya, the owner and chef, cooked us breakfast each morning and made deLICIOUS meals. So, there’s my plug for West Monroe. Check it out.


Back to my shave. Gillette Adjustable, on 5, mowed down about 4 days worth of growth. I used my Taylor of Old Bond Street Grapefruit, along with my custom Semogue BiG Shave brush. The new brush is just about broken in. The stiffness is about gone. I rather enjoy the Semogue line of brushes. I slapped a Gillette 7 O’Clock Black in it and went to town. Lately, I’ve been using 2 passes, going one with the grain and one across the grain. Sometimes I’ll go two across the grain, one going from ear to mouth and the second the opposite way from mouth to ear. Last night, however, I figured hey I’ll chase this BBS. Dangit, I got awfully close for not going after it for a while. I’d been settling with a DFS, which in our world is a damn fine shave, for the last few months. I got tired of pushing myself to irritation, so I thought why? I’m the only one who can feel it, unless the wife rubs my face. With that mentality, my shaves have become MUCH better in terms of feel. Plus, I’ll get to shave more often should I choose to, which is always great right? But that brings me to my topic today…lathering.


Lathering has two main schools, in general, within our community. Bowl lathering and face lathering. There is also a sector of people who like to lather up in their palm as they feel that they can feel the slickness better that route. I’ve yet to give that a go, but it’s coming. With the two schools of lathering, there are two main thoughts. Here we go.


First, we’ll touch on the bowl lathering. This is my preferred way, for a couple reasons. One reason I prefer this method is because I get a more consistent lather. I like being able to see what I’m doing, so I’m able to look at my bowl and the lather that’s being made and tell whether I need to add water or not. In a sense, its easier for me. One of the downfalls is that you can often times use too much product, and end up washing quite a bit down the drain. Which isn’t horrible, unless you’re using a high end cream or soap.


The other school is face lathering. Within the Big Shave group and many others, face lathering is looked at as the best way to do it. It helps exfoliate your skin as well as get the beard hairs softened and raised up a bit. The only real downfall I see to it is the work that goes into it, which can lead to inconsistent results. Now, before you bash and start calling me lazy, know that I’m not on the outside looking in. I do face lather, generally every 3rd or 4th shave. One face lather to three bowl lathers. My technique is still coming around, but I’ve often had trouble getting my lather to be consistent in terms of my water/product ratio. And that also can vary from product to product, as you can come across the soaps that need more water and the soaps and creams that seem to lather the instant they hit your brush. However, I’m working on getting better.


So, what do you prefer? How do you get those suds whipped up on your face? I’d love to hear how you get your shave started! Feel free to clue me in on your shave of the day, as well as any other great products to check out! Stay smooth!